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n. pl. tem·po·ral·i·ties
1. The condition of being temporal or bounded in time.
2. temporalities Temporal possessions, especially of the Church or clergy.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


n, pl -ties
1. the state or quality of being temporal
2. something temporal
3. (Ecclesiastical Terms) (often plural) a secular possession or revenue belonging to a Church, a group within the Church, or the clergy
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˌtɛm pəˈræl ɪ ti)

n., pl. -ties.
1. temporary character or nature.
2. something temporal.
3. Usu., temporalities. temporal possession, revenue, or the like, as of the church or clergy.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.temporality - the worldly possessions of a church
church property, spirituality, spiritualty - property or income owned by a church
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
My client's utterance, and how deeply it resonated with me, shines a light on temporality, a dimension of being-with-trauma that I have thus far not given much attention to.
Temporality, Genre and Experience in the Age of Shakespeare: Forms of Time.
Robert Stolorow a psychoanalyst and philosopher talks about how trauma is timeless and outside of time and how it breaks up the unifying thread of temporality.
Champion is interested in how time was kept, described, experienced, and produced, and more specifically how temporality could be rendered meaningful through sound, ritual, and image.
Barker looks to the operation of technical media that stand in the way of the smooth transition from past to present to future, whether it be forward or backward, and in this sense, offers alternatives to historical temporality. He investigates the shift from the synthetic media--such as cinema and print--that characterized modernity, to the measurement and storage media--such as databases, photography, and digital television--that now characterize the conditions for contemporaneity by producing new temporal systems in which events are mediated and new types of histories are able to be written.
"From this novel theorization of temporality emerges", Fuhrmann writes, "the assertion that the past is never left behind but persists into the present and remains coeval with it" (Fuhrmann 2016, p.
This paper develops conceptual models of (i) repressive temporality of common sense and (ii) emancipative temporality of critical thinking.
Such an understanding of temporality more fully acknowledges the various fields of possibility that open before (and behind) being or subjectivity in each present moment, rendering the possibilities within those fields more immediately realizable.
This work is a critique of the experience of postcolonial, postsocialist temporality. The case study at its core is the demise of the Grenada Revolution (1979-1983), and the repercussions of its collapse.
The first section discusses cultural aspects of temporality and the historicity of media and social change in more general terms, and the latter two introduce more specific temporalities, experiences, and material technologies.