

An acrobat who walks on a wire tightrope.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Theatre) chiefly US another name for tightrope walker
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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We like to read our local Richmond authors, such as Wirewalker by Mary Lou Hall, The Handbook for Lightning Strike Survivors by Michele Young Stone, and Claiming Georgia Tate by Gigi Amateau, who joined our discussion about her book.
The subsurface details of one example front are captured by the wirewalker array data (Fig.
Hughen, 2011: The wirewalker: A vertically profiling instrument carrier powered by ocean waves.
Pinkel, 2001: Wirewalker: An autonomous wave-powered vertical profiler.
The Discovery Channel will televise the wirewalker's latest antics, which are set to take place in a remote area of the Grand Canyon run by the Navajo Nation, which has consented to the event.
The "sweet spot," which allows for a wirewalker to react to the rope or wire's motion, lies somewhere in the middle between tight and loose, the scientists found.Watch This JumpStunt motorcyclists are probably more acquainted with the less-pleasant effects of gravity than any other kind of daredevil.A long motorcycle jump is, superficially, a simple physics problem: know the velocity and angle at which a motorcyclist leaves a ramp, and with some accounting for friction and air resistance, you can figure out how many school buses a motorcyclist can clear.But successfully sticking the landing isn't simple math -- the rider has to work to pull the nose of the bike up to a point where And sometimes, mechanical failure can overcome careful planning.
But halfway through, the wirewalker sounded as if he might falter: "I'm strained, I'm drained.
But Mirette doesn't know that the stranger was once the Great Bellini--master wirewalker. Or that Bellini has been stopped by a terrible fear.
London, July 8( ANI ): Daredevil wirewalker Jay Cochrane walked 581feet up in the air on the Canadian side of the Niagara Falls in the first of the 81walks across a tightrope to achieve a world record.
This new show, performed by Playbox Theatre's circus department in Warwick, features dance, movement, singing, juggling, tumblers, aerialists, acrobalancers, wirewalkers and clowns.
The band has a new album, Wirewalkers & Assassins, but it seems certain that Eller will deliver some of that material tonight.
The brand-new family show boasts an all-star line-up of acts including the fantastico Yvo and his mischievous dog Pedro; the multi-talented Flaming Fandangos Nichols family - hilarious clowns, amazing jugglers, dazzling wirewalkers; Tapas Tom Roberts and his majestic Palomino horses; Senorita Kristina, only six years old and showing the tiny Falabella Spanish Ponies; and Pepolino, the gentle clown.