wine box

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wine box

(Brewing) wine sold in a cubic carton, usually of three-litre capacity, having a plastic lining and a tap for dispensing
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A painted wine box? My goodness, I thought, that's exactly what our Catriona gave me for my 40th when she was in Primary One.
Every year there was a game involving an empty wine box -- you'd have to pick it up from between your legs with your teeth.
He also uses "a shovel, a 'bladder' from a wine box, a DeWalt DW360 hot air gun, hair-straighteners - I don't have any other use for them well do I?
The wine box is back on shelves - and sales have taken off.
THE wine box is well and truly back and it's bigger and better than ever.
PS25, White Stuff Making the wine box trendy, Camper Vin is ideal for festival goers, barbecue fanatics and riverside picnickers alike.
VINTAGE bikes in a retro pastel tone with a wine box on the front to carry a baguette may be an image we often associate with France.
Scholle in 1955 and became the "Wine Box" in 1965, thanks to the Australian winemaker T.
As the story goes, the first dybbuk box appeared in 2003 when antique store owner Kevin Mannis bought a vintage wine box from a 103-year-old Holocaust survivor via eBay, an online auction marketplace.
Or why not use a cardboard wine box as a shoe rack?