wind around

Also found in: Idioms.

w>wind around

vt sep +prep objwickeln um; wind it once/twice around the postwinde or wickele es einmal/zweimal um den Pfosten; to wind one’s arms around somebodyseine Arme um jdn schlingen or winden (geh); to wind itself around somethingsich um etw schlingen
vi (road)sich winden
vi +prep obj (road)sich schlängeln durch; (procession)sich winden durch
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
References in classic literature ?
Having thus spoken, D'Artagnan cleared the ditch by the roadside and crossed the plain so as to wind around the village.
Over the next decade there will be a huge expansion of offshore wind around the world with some estimates envisaging 17% annual growth from 22GW to 154GW total installed capacity by 2030.
The Offshore Wind Industry Council has launched a PS100m, 10-year programme to support UK businesses looking to capitalise on the growth in offshore wind around the world.
THE amount of offshore wind around the UK is set to double in the next decade after the Government confirmed support for the industry.
The high today be near 35 degrees, before turning breezy, with a sustained northwest wind around to 20 mph.
The arcades which duck, weave and wind around the centre of the Welsh capital are one of the aspects which give the place its character.
Cut a length of wire enough to double and wind around the bottom of the cover handle.
What riles me most is the fact that said newspaper lauds the likes of Wayne Rooney, left, who is reputedly paid PS250,000 a week for kicking a bag of wind around, for 180 minutes if they have two games!
28 (ONA) Latest weather charts indicate that the tropical cyclone (NILOFAR) over central Arabian Sea is still persisting and its surface wind around the storm estimated to be between 85 to 95 knots, the cyclone centre is about 510 km from Oman South-East coasts.
The day will be cloudy with a high near 30 and a northwest wind around 8 mph.
Perhaps the effigy now gathering dust beside the deserted Ricoh Arena will remind football supporters country wide, that Mr Hill was the driving force behind managers, players and agents' greed, which has since pushed admission prices, to watch 22 grown men kicking a bag of wind around for an average of four minutes apiece per match, beyond their means.
It looks like there will be a lot of wind around Cape Finisterre off the north-west corner of Spain," said Foxall, just before the fleet left Lisbon.