


, wife-beater
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Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
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WIFE-BATTERER Bill Walker has failed in a bid to be freed from jail pending his appeal against his convictions for domestic abuse.
Coronation Street Tomorrow, 7.30pm, 8.30pm, Thursday, 8.30pm, Friday, 7.30pm & 8.30pm, TV3 MARIA'S current boyfriend, wife-batterer Chris, persuades her to report her wannabe boyfriend, slimy almost-rapist Frank, to the police.
The new country stifled the husband's exuberance, and he became a wife-batterer until he got a steady job.
Actor Peadar Cox, who plays the scheming wife-batterer Daniel on Ros na Run, said he couldn't find a woman because they were so afraid of him.
A thief, a wife-batterer, a gay-basher: His life is too pathetic to be anything other than pure burlesque, until he crosses the line into villainy.
THE conviction of Bill Walker, the Independent MSP who has been found guilty of assaulting three wives and a daughter-inlaw, proves this if nothing else: Once a wife-batterer, always a wife-batterer.
the for was eventually expelled from last year after his ex-wives about him, and now sits as an force and Sturgeon yesterday quiet on Walker's selection in BY JOAN BURNIE THE conviction of Bill Walker, the Independent MSP who has been found guilty of assaulting three wives and a stepdaughter, proves this if nothing else: Once a wife-batterer, always a wife-batterer.
Yeah, great, off you go to ITV and leave us to deal with little Mo bludgeoning evil wife-batterer Trevor to death with an iron.
A WIFE-batterer who blamed her menopausal behaviour for his attack was let off by a sheriff yesterday.
A self-confessed wife-batterer, Frank has almost killed his wife - THREE TIMES.
Don't wife-batterers always claim their women drive them to it?