wiener roast

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Noun1.wiener roast - a cookout where roasted frankfurters are the main coursewiener roast - a cookout where roasted frankfurters are the main course
cookout - an informal meal cooked and eaten outdoors
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Rosemary Adcock was honored with a wiener roast Wednesday night at Blue Lake in celebration of her birthday anniversary.
A TV show that was born at a backyard wiener roast in Saskatchewan is in the process of busting out.
On the eve of Back to Church Sunday, parishioners invited family members, friends and neighbours to the church's backyard for a campfire and wiener roast. It proved to be a great icebreaker.
Over 80 kids and families came out to toboggan under the floodlights and enjoy a wiener roast and hot chocolate around the campfire, said Deanna Starlight, program coordinator.
In April 1945, seventeen men of the church gave a wiener roast (since steak was not available) at South Mountain Park.
Take advantage of the picnic areas, barbecues, swimming and fishing ponds, sports courts, accessible children's playground, or have a wiener roast and sing-along at one of the campfire pits.
Members of the community joined in to wrap up the camp with a wiener roast, gift giving and hand drum songs performed by Josh Kakakeway Sr., Josh Kakakeway Jr., Brendan Kakakeway and Troy Shepherd.
Noel Porter chaperoned 14 young girls and boys last Thursday evening at a wiener roast and picnic lunch given at Polley's cabin at the reservoir.