white pine

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Related to white pine: western white pine

white pine

1. A timber tree (Pinus strobus) of eastern North America, having needles in clusters of five and durable, easily worked wood.
2. Any of several other pines having needles in clusters of five, especially P. monticola of western North America.
3. The wood of certain of these trees, especially P. strobus.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

white pine

1. (Plants) a North American coniferous tree, Pinus strobus, having blue-green needle-like leaves, hanging brown cones, and rough bark: family Pinaceae
2. (Forestry) the light-coloured wood of this tree, much used commercially
3. (Plants) another name for kahikatea
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

white′ pine′

1. a large irregularly branched pine, Pinus strobus, of E North America with a gray bark.
2. the soft light-colored wood of this pine.
3. any of various other similar species of pine.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.white pine - any of several five-needled pines with white wood and smooth usually light grey bark when young; especially the eastern white pine
pine, pine tree, true pine - a coniferous tree
white pine - soft white wood of white pine trees
American white pine, eastern white pine, Pinus strobus, weymouth pine - tall-growing pine of eastern North America; bark is brown with longitudinal fissures when mature; valued as a timber tree
Pinus monticola, western white pine, mountain pine, silver pine - tall pine of western North America with stout blue-green needles; bark is grey-brown with rectangular plates when mature
Pinus strobiformis, southwestern white pine - medium-size pine of northwestern Mexico; bark is dark brown and furrowed when mature
limber pine, Pinus flexilis - western North American pine with long needles and very flexible limbs and dark-grey furrowed bark
Pinus albicaulis, whitebark pine, whitebarked pine - small pine of western North America; having smooth grey-white bark and soft brittle wood; similar to limber pine
2.white pine - soft white wood of white pine treeswhite pine - soft white wood of white pine trees
pine - straight-grained durable and often resinous white to yellowish timber of any of numerous trees of the genus Pinus
white pine - any of several five-needled pines with white wood and smooth usually light grey bark when young; especially the eastern white pine
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
It was a tall white pine, on the top of a hill; and though I got well pitched, I was well paid for it, for I discovered new mountains in the horizon which I had never seen before--so much more of the earth and the heavens.
Near the end of March, 1845, I borrowed an axe and went down to the woods by Walden Pond, nearest to where I intended to build my house, and began to cut down some tall, arrowy white pines, still in their youth, for timber.
Unlike these other sculptures, Deadeye, 2002, is beautifully crafted from white pine. Yet, even here, Puryear seems to be taking aim at something (a "deadeye" is a very good shot), maybe at the morbid spirit of Vessel.
Wiedenhoeft studied the samples and reported that they came from one of several kinds of white pine. He stated the limits of his evidence carefully.
All you need is some 6mm and 17mm MDF, a length of white pine timber, laminate safety glass, a couple of battery-operated strip lights and a bag of decorative pebbles.
White Pine's CU-SeeMe Web is a technology that enables live audio, video and text chat to be embedded in a standard Web browser.
White Pine Software Inc, Nashua, New Hampshire provider of browser-based videoconferencing software, has reported first quarter net losses of $1.3m, down from losses of $1.9m on revenues up 24.4% to $2.4m.
At that time, a disease called white pine blister rust had been brought into the country.
Publishers such as Arte Publico, Floricanto, Ediciones del Norte, and White Pine Press not only publish innovative and engaging new writing, but also bring to North American reading audiences fresh voices from the Hispanic world.
The Copper Range Corporation wanted to use the acid to extract ore from the White Pine copper mine.
Mystic Lake Camp climbs in four oaks regularly and reserves another oak and a white pine for advanced classes.
While they were dancing, a tall skinny man, whose after-shave smelled like a white pine, strode in.