whip away

Also found in: Idioms.

w>whip away

vt sepwegreißen, wegziehen (from sb jdm)
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
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"I find it staggeringly hypocritical that he's threatening to take the whip away," Ms Sandbach told Sky News.
And his dramatic career home-and-road splits suggest the kind of uptick in results he might get with a new team closer to sea level, including the 3.49 ERA and 1.229 WHIP away from Colorado last year (compared to 6.01 and 1.678 at Coors).
But I'll finish filming The Royals soon, so I'll be able to put the whip away and pick up the baby bag full-time."
It's a technical issue which needs solving because we aren't presenting the ball for the scrum-half to whip away.
"The water was very cold and with it being fast flowing it also helped to whip away any heat from the body.
The jockey threw his whip away in disgust and ended up walking across the finish line as father-offour Tommy disappeared back into the crowd.
"If that means taking the whip away from certain individuals, I know the vast majority of the parliamentary party would be supportive of that.
The party said that they had taken the MP's whip away".
It is called 'hard sell your product, whip away your customer's money and keep them on a distant leash with regards to after-sales service'.