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Related to whingy: whinger, whingey


complaining peevishly
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References in periodicals archive ?
Easton Corbin's Are You With Me was a whingy country song that meandered around the lower reaches of the country charts.
That said, if having Capaldi encounter a whingy dinosaur in westminster in this opening episode was an intentional nod to his legendary role as a spin doctor in The Thick Of It, fair play to the writers.
As her daughter whined she snapped "Maybe if you slept more during the night you wouldn't be so whingy".
"I've been a bit whingy, but that's because I don't want to ruin this jewel box I've been offered."
He added: "But having played in Scotland, I know the sun comes out as often as Whingy scores a goal."
She's got the famous dad, the whingy voice, she's been in every magazine dressed worse than my late great auntie.
But back to whingy, short men, where is the sex appeal in that combination?
Some of them say that the elderly are nothing but moaners and whingers, but by writing your nasty, whingy letters, you have actually become one of the very people you most dislike ( a moaner!
Mia also mentioned that she has broadened the application of lullaby singing beyond bedtime to those moments when her baby was "whingy" or "grizzling."
Finally Steph's whingy bitching is also starting to grate, especially when it's always delivered in such a ``I feel bad doing this'' style.
Under cross-examination by Mr Meeke, Allen agreed that Dominic had been a 'whingy, grizzling baby' but said he had not 'lost his cool'.
David Savran's article "Middlebrow Anxiety" (Dec '99) seems a bit whingy to me.