

(Clothing & Fashion) informal NZ a wetsuit
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"Then it kind of dived off, came back and circled me, and took a fair notch out of my board, circled me again, then it got me on my wettie, it got me on my hip," Brundler added.
It's my resolution to remain a non-smoker and maybe to drink a little less but don't get me wrong, I'll not turn into a wettie."| Tickets for Clyde 1 Live are available now from www.ticketsoup.com Catch the action at Clyde 1 Live is the massive pop party featuring some of the UK's biggest and best stars.
Granted, many actors and musicians have contractual obligations to do a certain amount of interviews when promoting their latest project, but there are just as many stars who will happily tip off paparazzi about their whereabouts, or go to well-known showbiz haunts like The Ivy restaurant in London, and then throw a wettie if one of the omnipresent photographers outside dares point a lens in their direction.