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(German ˈvɛtərˌhɔrn)
(Placename) a mountain in S Switzerland, in the Bernese Alps. Height: 3701 m (12 143 ft)
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Thinking over my plans, as mapped out, I perceived that they did not take in the Furka Pass, the Rhone Glacier, the Finsteraarhorn, the Wetterhorn, etc.
"KABAUGWAKKO SONGWASHEE KUM WETTERHORN SNAWPO!" cried some one, as that grand summit gleamed with the first rose of dawn; and in a few moments the double crest of the Schreckhorn followed its example; peak after peak seemed warmed with life, the Jungfrau blushed even more beautifully than her neighbors, and soon, from the Wetterhorn in the east to the Wildstrubel in the west, a long row of fires glowed upon mighty altars, truly worthy of the gods.
They made, in fact, a masked battery behind the decorous office blinds, and there lay in wait as simply excited as children until at last the stem of the luckless Wetterhorn appeared, beating and rolling at quarter speed over the recently reconstructed pinnacles of Tiffany's.
The gun fired two shells before the frame of the Dexter building collapsed, and each shell raked the Wetterhorn from stem to stern.
Surrounded by the north face of the mighty Eiger, Wetterhorn and Mettenberg mountains, Grindelwald is a great spot to admire the epic Swiss rural landscapes.
And we had a great balcony view of the Wetterhorn, a huge, square, spiky mountain that impresses in summer but looks like a gigantic Christmas cake when winter sets in.
| WHERE in Europe is the mountain the Wetterhorn? | WHEN did the Antarctic explorer Sir Douglas Mawson die?
Of course, it's possible to go even higher and take the Jungfrau Railway 13,642 ft to the top of the Jungraujoch with its views of peaks like the Eiger, Monch and Wetterhorn.