water vapour

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water vapour

(Elements & Compounds) water in the gaseous state, esp when due to evaporation at a temperature below the boiling point. Compare steam
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.water vapour - water in a vaporous form diffused in the atmosphere but below boiling temperaturewater vapour - water in a vaporous form diffused in the atmosphere but below boiling temperature
cloud - a visible mass of water or ice particles suspended at a considerable altitude
vapor, vapour - a visible suspension in the air of particles of some substance
spray - water in small drops in the atmosphere; blown from waves or thrown up by a waterfall
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
بُخار الماء
loftraki, vatn í gasformi
vodná para
su buharı

water vapour

nvapore m acqueo
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ˈwoːtə) noun
a colourless, transparent liquid compound of hydrogen and oxygen, having no taste or smell, which turns to steam when boiled and to ice when frozen. She drank two glasses of water; `Are you going swimming in the sea?' `No, the water's too cold'; Each bedroom in the hotel is supplied with hot and cold running water; (also adjective) The plumber had to turn off the water supply in order to repair the pipe; transport by land and water.
1. to supply with water. He watered the plants.
2. (of the mouth) to produce saliva. His mouth watered at the sight of all the food.
3. (of the eyes) to fill with tears. The dense smoke made his eyes water.
ˈwaters noun plural
a body of water such as the sea, a river etc. the stormy waters of the bay.
ˈwatery adjective
1. like water; diluted. a watery fluid.
2. (of eyes) full of fluid eg because of illness, cold winds etc.
3. (of a colour) pale. eyes of a watery blue.
ˈwateriness noun

water boatman

a water insect with oarlike back legs that propel it through the water.
ˈwaterborne adjective
carried or transmitted by water. Typhoid is a waterborne disease.
ˈwater-closet noun
(abbreviation WC (dabljuˈsiː) ) a lavatory.
ˈwater-colour noun
a type of paint which is thinned with water instead of with oil.
ˈwatercress noun
a herb which grows in water and is often used in salads.
ˈwaterfall noun
a natural fall of water from a height such as a rock or a cliff.
ˈwaterfowl noun or noun plural
a bird or birds which live on or beside water.
ˈwaterfront noun
that part of a town etc which faces the sea or a lake. He lives on the waterfront.
ˈwaterhole noun
a spring or other place where water can be found in a desert or other dry country. The elephant drank from the waterhole.
ˈwatering-can noun
a container used when watering plants.
water level
the level of the surface of a mass of water. The water level in the reservoir is sinking/rising.
ˈwaterlilyplural ˈwaterlilies noun
a water plant with broad flat floating leaves.
ˈwaterlogged adjective
(of ground) soaked in water.
water main
a large underground pipe carrying a public water supply.
a type of melon with green skin and red flesh.
ˈwaterproof adjective
not allowing water to soak through. waterproof material.
a coat made of waterproof material. She was wearing a waterproof.
to make (material) waterproof.
ˈwatershed noun
an area of high land from which rivers flow in different directions into different basins.
ˈwater-skiing noun
the sport of skiing on water, towed by a motor-boat.
ˈwater-ski verb
ˈwatertight adjective
made in such a way that water cannot pass through.
water vapour
water in the form of a gas, produced by evaporation.
ˈwaterway noun
a channel, eg a canal or river, along which ships can sail.
ˈwaterwheel noun
a wheel moved by water to work machinery etc.
ˈwaterworks noun singular or plural
a place in which water is purified and stored before distribution to an area.
hold water
to be convincing. His explanation won't hold water.
in(to) deep water
in(to) trouble or danger. I got into deep water during that argument.
water down
to dilute. This milk has been watered down.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
References in periodicals archive ?
Planes flying above the cloud level in the upper troposphere not only release carbon dioxide but also another potent greenhouse gas, water vapour.
Some materials allow thousands of times more vapour through than others and some, such as silicone, cellulose, EVOH and PVOH can be so poor at containing water vapour that they might as well not be there at all.
[USA] July 5 (ANI): The discovery of high altitude cloud formations was made possible in 1885 after the eruption of Krakatoa volcano in Indonesia increased the amount of water vapour in the air.
Burrows, "Analysis of global water vapour trends from satellite measurements in the visible spectral range," Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, vol.
Systech Instruments, experts in moisture, oxygen and gas analysis, will introduce its new combined oxygen and water vapour station, the DualPerm, at K 2016.
This is achieved, for example, by an electric compressor, just as the water vapour in our refrigerators is removed from the gas phase and then re-liquefied.
This new research takes away the lower end of climate sensitivity estimates, meaning that global average temperatures will increase by 3EeAC to 5EeAC with a doubling of carbon dioxide." The key to this narrower but much higher estimate can be found in the real world observations around the role of water vapour in cloud formation.
This type of isotherm of water vapour indicated a very weak adsorption interaction of water with the pores in the MFS-02.
The Hubble Telescope has discovered water vapour erupting from the surface of Europa, one of Jupiter's sixth closest moon.
Nedoluha, "Middle atmospheric water vapour radiometer (MIAWARA): Validation and first results of the LAPBIAT Upper Tropospheric Lower Stratospheric Water Vapour Validation Project (LAUTLOS-WAVVAP) campaign," Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol.
Water vapour and ozone in the stratosphere can have a large impact on earth's climate.