washing-up bowl


washing-up bowl

ncatino, bacinella
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
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YOU WILL NEED 2 plain white cushion covers 1 pack of handwash dye per cushion (we used Dylon China Blue and Ocean Blue) 250g salt per cushion Stainless steel sink or old washing-up bowl Rubber gloves For the circles cushion: 4 or 5 elastic bands PRODUCTof theWEEK Joseph Joseph(r) Wash & Drain White, PS28.99, Lakeland Sub-editor Mel says, 'There used to be a constant battle in my house when it came to the kitchen sink.
We played the game of musical washing-up bowl every day until I discovered this one with its own drain.
A running tap uses up to six litres of water per minute, so turning it off when brushing your teeth will save a lot of water, as will putting a little water in the washing-up bowl or bathroom basin when doing things such as scrubbing vegetables or washing your face.
Any water left in the washing-up bowl can be used on the garden.
Q I WANT a green washing-up bowl but just can't find one.
In the emails the worker asked for a washing-up bowl.
I water mine once a week (less in winter) from below, half filling a washing-up bowl with water and placing the pot into it (but so the water doesn't come over the rim) for a few minutes, then leave it on the drainer for 20 minutes before putting it back in its decorative pot.
Requiring a washing-up bowl, I rang one of our local discount shops to see if they had one in stock.