ward sister

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ward sister

n (Brit Med) → Stationsschwester f
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Ward sister Kristel Brown said: "There was a smile on every single face and everyone was toetapping to the music." Sheila said: "I was really sad to miss the concert but thanks to the staff I still got to enjoy a performance."
Kristel Brown, ward sister, said: "It was heartbreaking to see Sheila's face when she realised she couldn't make it to see her musical hero -- but I think she found a whole new hero in Adam!
Spire Yale Hospital in Wrexham came to the rescue when the Mayoress of Wrexham, Bev Williams, who is a ward sister at the nearby Maelor Hospital, was suffering from an agonising back problem.
A MONTH ago, Karen Summers worked her last shift as a Ward Sister and left the only job she has ever really loved.
As the eldest of six children the ward sister came into the room and asked to speak to me.
Hannah Hicks, ward sister at West 6, said: "We're so grateful to the Lamprey family for helping make this ward more comfortable for our patients and their visitors.
Ward Sister Chris Fawcett said: "We have transformed a traditional ward into a dementia-friendly environment to be proud of."
Mark Timson hands over the TV set to George Eliot Hospital charitable funds |co-ordinator Jean Whittaker (left) and ward sister Lorraine Wickett
"For example, a ward sister typically has many years of experience and technical skill, as well as being crucial in developing more junior nurses.