Ward staff

a constable's or watchman's staff.

See also: Ward

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
More than 40 senior nurses whose roles have taken them away from direct patient care are going back to the floor one day a week to help ward staff deliver care at Russells Hall Hospital.
LAYYAH -- Two women and their newborns died on Monday at the DHQ Hospital in Layyah due to the negligence of the gynaecology ward staff, their families say.
Along with MFB, police, ambulance and ward staff were also pressed into action for the search and rescue of the child.
The inspection report, which was made public last week, praises the hospital for good practice and working relationships between support services, ward staff and the infection control team and "excellent" theatre department and equipment cleanliness.
Welfare initiatives related to staff included efforts for up-gradation and fast track promotion of Assistant Superintendent Jail and Watch and Ward staff, training of staff, revival of special welfare fund, development of prison gardens, extension of Prison Management Information System (PMIS), 10% quota for prisons staff children in warder cadre, implementation of pension policy posting, transfer policy and TA/DA waiting list of staff also discussed the jailers.
shining star Katie Taylor and Charlie Maiben at Temple Street yesterday HAVING A LAUGH With surgical flat ward staff
Lacey Jones, a staff nurse on ward 28 - nephrology at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital, was sitting in the ward staff room one morning when she decided something needed to be done to improve the run-down environment.
When contacted, Hospital Medical Superintendent Dr Azam Ibrahim said previous complaints had been lodged against the gynae ward staff in the past.' 'I have ordered an inquiry into the incident and stern action will be taken against the doctor and staff if they are found guilty of negligence.'
Many times they are told that the ward staff will be taking care of their patients, but they fail to understand.
"From speaking to ward staff it would seem there are no imminent plans to change this situation, the commission would however wish to be kept informed of longer term plans for these wards."
She went on to add: "We continue to support our ward staff with special projects aimed at reducing infections such as looking at hand hygiene in our patients and how we can assist bed-bound people."