virus checker

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virus checker

n (Comput inf) → Virensuchprogramm nt
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And get a firewall and a virus checker on your computer.
Almost a quarter of those quizzed in a survey admitted not having an up-to-date virus checker installed.
Almost a quarter of people questioned who banked over the internet admitted not having an up-to-date virus checker installed.
MILLIONS of online banking customers could be leaving themselves open to fraud by not having an up-to-date virus checker installed on their computer, according to a report published by the Association for Payment Clearing Services.
To ensure a virus-free system, run the virus checker and the full PCPitstop tests to make sure you've applied the appropriate e-mail security settings in Outlook or Outlook Express.
The strategy-builder software would then report which computers had a virus checker and which version of the checker was installed.
Delete that message right away and install a virus checker to remove any traces of this near miss.
Secondly, never open an attachment from someone you don't know, especially if you haven't updated your virus checker recently.