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n, pl vires (ˈvaɪriːz)
power, force, or strength
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


1. Viscount.
2. Viscountess.


1. visibility.
2. visual.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
When the bridges broke down, unarmed soldiers, people from Moscow and women with children who were with the French transport, all- carried on by vis inertiae- pressed forward into boats and into the ice-covered water and did not, surrender.
You recall to my mind that cruel separation of the united fraternities, so much to the prejudice of both bodies, as all separations must be, according to the old adage, Vis unita fortior ; which to be sure there are not wanting some of one or of the other fraternity who are able to construe.
Athelstane, utterly confounded at an order which the manners and feelings of the times rendered so injuriously insulting, unwilling to obey, yet undetermined how to resist, opposed only the vis inerti to the will of John; and, without stirring or making any motion whatever of obedience, opened his large grey eyes, and stared at the Prince with an astonishment which had in it something extremely ludicrous.
"Never fear, sir; you are not speaking to one who is altogether ignorant of the vis medicatrix," said he, with his usual superiority of expression, made rather pathetic by difficulty of breathing.
The assigned rating is dependent on materialization of medium term equity reinforcement plans and compliance with underwriting restrictions committed to VIS.
Banks and DFIs using the standardized approach of Basel framework are allowed to use credit ratings assigned by VIS and PACRA for capital adequacy ratio (CAR) calculation purposes.
The Commission on Elections (Comelec) said it is now studying the possibility of filing charges against still unnamed officials of NPO after they outsourced the VIS printing to Holy Family Printing Press.
Vis Mundi said this capital increase is aimed at consolidating and expanding EgySwiss position as a leader in the Egyptian food processing market.
Through the event, Mostar has joined the global family of host cities around the world, which every year gather different groups of students, providing for them to prepare and practice for the Vis Moot competition, scheduled to be held in Vienna in March this year.
In it, she examines the notable narrative similarities between the VIS and the Gallican life of Bishop Paternus of Avranches (d.