

1. without the signature or attestation of a witness
2. not seen or observed
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
Subduing, at once, the passion to which he had yielded only in the faith that it was unwitnessed, Sir William Howe became conscious that an aged woman, leaning on a gold-headed staff, was standing betwixt him and the door.
On the other hand, the hero fears not that if he withhold the avowal of a just and brave act it will go unwitnessed and unloved.
She said he had also had an unwitnessed fall but had not been properly assessed afterwards.
Woods does not include the unwitnessed murder in 1986 by sculptor Carl Andre of his wife, artist Ana Mendieta, who plunged from a 33-story window, following a violent argument witnesses heard.
He died due to contusion of his brain and spinal cord sustained by an unwitnessed fall on the stairs at his home address.
Unwitnessed accidents that occurred late Friday afternoon and are not reported until Monday.
Inspectors became aware of a number of "unwitnessed falls or injuries".
So I imagine I discover my work little by little, beginning with pure conditions of form...' The idea asserts itself, demands it be given a shape unwitnessed before in the act of writing and its very essence, which induces an ecstasy in the mind, remains a mystery continuously bemusing one's thoughts like a lingering aftertaste.
Position Statement 15.2, The Role of the Licensed Vocational Nurse in the Pronouncement of Death, now includes a reference statement to Position Statement 15.20, Registered Nurses in the Management of an Unwitnessed Arrest in a Resident in a Long Term Care Facility, which provides the reader with a resource for additional information related to the LVN scope of practice in the initiation of CPR.
Records showed that there had been 11 unwitnessed falls in communal areas since July 2018.
'The unwitnessed incident of abduction needed corroboration from different sources to connect the accused with the crime but you failed to collect corroboratory evidence,' reads the notice.
"Because the evidence of causation in unwitnessed cases is often entirely circumstantial and the result must depend on the inference to be drawn from the circumstantial evidence, the [U.S.] Supreme Court [has] stated that it is not the function of an appellate court to search the record in such cases for conflicting circumstantial evidence 'to take the case away from the jury on the theory that the proof gives equal support to inconsistent and uncertain inferences.' Tennant v.