

not wiped; not cleaned by wiping
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
Extra barkeepers had been engaged, and the drinkers jammed six deep before every drink- drenched and unwiped bar.
So tense was he, so bent upon the work he had to do, that the sweat stung his eyes unwiped, and unheeded rolled down his nose and spattered his saddle pommel.
Perhaps a sudden rainstorm has splashed its fatal moisture upon an unwiped joint.
Someone produced a flask of plum brandy and passed it unwiped from beard to beard.
The Type I topcoat from Company B shows a high degree of fading on the unwiped side, which has been shown to be a result of chalking.
But the morally upstaged narrator leads with a caricature of Foster's rustic table manners, highlighting several of the vices ridiculed habitually by English observers and discouraged zealously in American etiquette books, before he acknowledges: "though they proceeded out of an unwiped mouth, his expressions did him honor" (30).
His instant and ongoing success first brought on shouts of protest from the competitors whose eyes he regularly wiped (while keeping his own eyes unwiped) with this new approach to retrieving.
In subsequent trials, Elliot became a terror to the other handlers, not only because he wiped so many eyes by handling his dogs to unseen birds, but also because his own eye went practically unwiped. It didn't matter whether or hot Elliot's dog saw a fall.
Eighteen percent (9/50) of the unwiped ampoules grew organisms compared with 0% (0/50) of the wiped ampoules (P=0.004).
A handful of survivors from the ship, their eyes glistening with unwiped tears, were too Emotional speak after wards.
Either way, images of "Goldfinger" flash into mind, along with a baby's unwiped mouth.
These measurements were carried out on wiped and unwiped samples.