
Also found in: Idioms.


1. (Knitting & Sewing) having no stitches; unsewed
2. to come unstitched to go wrong or awry
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The upper leather was unstitched and had to be sewn together.
Some things can't be unstitched; but where they can, we should do it.
With the men draped in two pieces of unstitched white robes and women dressed in loose modest clothes, all class and race divides of appearance are erased, and prejudices of the mind neutralised.
Afsaneh is one of the biggest textile retail chains in Pakistan which sells unstitched as well as ready-to-wear clothing for men and women with exclusive fashion and accessory items.
Witte added that top five Pakistan to USA products were linen, women's unstitched suits, textile articles, sweaters and men's suits.
"Instead of buying unstitched fabric from local shop in 2500rs and then giving it to tailor for stitching in 2000rs which makes it 4500 in total, I choose to go for branded Shalwar Qameez which I can buy in same amount, stitched and under one roof" he added.
On way to Khairpur Mir's from Sukkur, one can find unstitched beautiful and colorful ralli quilts on the roadside.
A variety of unstitched embroidered cotton fabrics are also available at bara markets, which are priced between Rs1,500 to Rs1,800.
Our businesses have been suffering badly at the hands of imported clothes whether stitched or unstitched. An aggressive campaign in favour of local products is the need of the hour.'
Located at the City Centre, the new store has Khaadi's unstitched and ready-to-wear product lines placed in an ambience of detailed decor and contemporary style.
"My aim is to see an unstitched national flag unfurled at the Red Fort.
Nearly two decades ago, voile manufacturers came up with the bright idea that they should collaborate with designers for collections of unstitched fabric.