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Adj.1.unsterilised - not sterilizedunsterilised - not sterilized      
germy - full of germs or pathological microorganisms; "the water in New York harbor is oily and dirty and germy"
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He cited large-scale medical malpractices like reuse of syringes and unsterilised medical tools as reasons for spread of infectious diseases.
It was largely blamed on a thriving quackery racket, where unsterilised equipment and infected syringes were used on an unsuspecting population, many of them women and children.
He iterated that, the traditional or native doctors who often give children tribal marks or circumcise them can pass it on by using unsterilised instruments or anyone who has Hepatitis and gets in contact with the baby can transfer it to them.
FGM is a barbaric practice, involving the removal of girls' genitalia with unsterilised knives and razors.
Baloch said that unsafe blood transfusions and the use of unsterilised medical equipments were the main causes of the spread of HIV/AIDS.
They said that the spinner contracted the virus during a visit to a dentist in Rawalpindi, where he contracted hepatitis C from contact with unsterilised dental tools.
Children playing around can easily come across the disposed of syringes, not forgetting infection of patients because of unsterilised equipment.
The clinic was being run without the requisite certificate and a registered dentist while unsterilised equipment was being used during dental procedures which were a source of Hepatitis-C.
It is practised in about 27 African nations, parts of Asia and the Middle East -- and is usually carried out by traditional cutters, often with unsterilised knives.
Even touching the soiled clothing of infected people or handling unsterilised needles or medical equipment used in the care of the infected person can cause infection.
Chrin was arrested in Sangke district's Roka village after it came to light that he caused the HIV outbreak by reusing unsterilised needles after treating an infected patient.