
Related to unsensible: abreast


Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The men are awk'ard and contrairy mostly, God help 'em--but when the drink's out of 'em, they aren't unsensible, though they're bad for leeching and bandaging--so fiery and unpatient.
When Conway was pressed during the interview about some obvious lies made by Trump, including the fact that he told reporters in April 2018 that he didn't know about the $130,000 payment to Daniels, she began offering unsensible excuses.
I resolved that I wouldn't be an A[sup.2]G and here I am, just the same unsensible child.
passen in goodnesse pingis pat ben sensible" reflects a common Wycliffite exhortation to reject "sensible" or material signs for an "unsensible" or immaterial knowing.
533) walks us through the imagined dangers of Mars and makes the unsensible quite sensible, pointing out that the air is so thin there, even the worst winds and temperatures don't create fearsome wind chills.
Peter Cox, of the Cardiff Civic Society, said: "If he [Coun Goodway] thinks it makes economic sense to divest itself of costly buildings, then what he is saying is not unsensible.
The results indicate that the natural frequency of the first mode is sensitive to both changeable table position and workpiece mass to a certain extent, and that the natural frequency of the second mode is unsensible to them, and the natural frequency of the third mode is sensitive to the table position whereas unsensible to workpiece mass.
We think and stew, trying to make sense of the unsensible. Based on a cathartic view of expression, until we talk about and release those thoughts, they will continue.