

a.1.Wanting a distinct meaning; having no certain signification.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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The lesson of energy is that there are unseen and unsensed aspects of our world, that there are currents and flows that surround us that exist outside our awareness, and that when we focus on matter and the material world, we are correct in sensing that there is something that is missing.
After 5 lines beginning with "The," introducing nearly metaphorically the metonymic aspirations of the poem, its telling of "glories strung like beads on my smallest sights and hearings," the sixth line adumbrates the next anaphoric chain by starting "The others" and, after asserting a "tie" between temporally isolated others, the stanza ends with that very word "others" on the right margin only to have the poem "cross" the whitespace to find the same word waiting for it on the left, where it will, just like "The," serve as a formal device for introducing the available sites of percepts of place, what Bertrand Russell would later call "sensibilia," or "unsensed sense-data"; the anaphora will then model the substitutability of persons capable of pursuing those percepts.
By placing both unsensed incorporeal substances and the unsensed material causes of sensation beyond the reach of 'practical, efficacious human knowledge', Locke was laying the basis for a new form of science along Epicurean-Gassendist lines, one that did not require reference to unknown theoretical entities.
It selects the next point that is most informative to all unsensed locations.
Touch it them tiny shells one a sphere next to fillin in an in again Them markin stones whose ever mystic purpose are at requirin this makin lime changed for iron oxide magnet exact such metal lode some as say to calibratin our own linear emplacement that gianter engine an a body to surroundin that an ylemic history unfoldin without all unknown to we as are within Ceptin the tremors a complete unsensed worl our own to holdin as a child a womb that wait for summons
The key reason this approach was adopted was to deliberately encourage actors to consider the work domain beyond the range of their sensors, essentially emphasizing that there could be unsensed threats that are just as real as sensed threats, and thus avoiding the misconception that the work domain ends at the end range of the ship's sensors.
Instead, he restored the possibility of a table, a world, a reality independent of subjective perception by arguing that we can logically infer knowledge of the unobserved table from observed experience of the table, not directly but (and this is crucial) by means of "the seeming paradox of unoccupied perspectives and unsensed sensibilia"--by imaginary or hypothetical, rather than actual, sense-impressions.
(38) "[P]eace and innocence escaped us forever before we tasted their delights; unsensed by the stupid men of the first times, having escaped the enlightened men of later times, the happy life of the golden age was always a state foreign to the human race, either for its having failed to recognize it when it could enjoy it, or for its having lost it when it could have recognized it.
In The Body in Pain, the literary scholar Elaine Scarry writes, "Pain engulfs the one in pain, but remains unsensed by anyone else.
For Berkeley, God "daily speaks to our senses in a manifest and clear dialect." By this Berkeley meant that the sensed qualities of things are signs for other qualities as yet unsensed, and that in learning to read what Durand later called "the great book of nature" we come to learn which things are good for us and which we must avoid.
Within that dark wall of pine trees was a sanctuary of stillness, of mystery; for the present unfelt, unsensed by the man who confronted it.