

1. not sheltered or concealed by a screen
2. not passed through a screen; unsifted
3. (Film) (of a film) not yet on show to the public
4. not put through a security check
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


filmnicht gezeigt, unaufgeführt; many films remain unscreenedviele Filme werden nie gezeigt or bleiben unaufgeführt
(= not protected) door, windowoffen, nicht abgeschirmt
(= not inspected, by security) → nicht überprüft; (for disease) → nicht untersucht
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
References in classic literature ?
The little, grey, desolate-looking hamlet, unscreened by sheltering trees, lay in sight long before he reached it, and as he came near he could hear the sound of voices singing a hymn.
The quick vision that his life was after all a failure, that he was a dishonored man, and must quail before the glance of those towards whom he had habitually assumed the attitude of a reprover--that God had disowned him before men and left him unscreened to the triumphant scorn of those who were glad to have their hatred justified--the sense of utter futility in that equivocation with his conscience in dealing with the life of his accomplice, an equivocation which now turned venomously upon him with the full-grown fang of a discovered lie:-- all this rushed through him like the agony of terror which fails to kill, and leaves the ears still open to the returning wave of execration.
Annandale, VA, August 03, 2019 --(PR.com)-- A Maryland fill dirt contractor at Dirt Connections recently released a blog answering the question "What is screened fill dirt?" While unscreened fill dirt is useful in some instances, screened fill dirt may be preferred in many others.
The unscreened comparator group was women with ovarian cancer referred to the UK Markey Cancer Center.
The Sindh Aids Control Programme states that 70 per cent of the HIV cases stem from unscreened blood transfusions and there are approximately 56,000 patients of the same in Sindh only.
KARACHI -- The Sindh AIDS Control Programme (SACP) on Thursday said more than 70 per cent of the HIV/AIDS cases should be blamed on unscreened blood transfusions.
Senior Surveillance In-Charge, SBTA, Dr Durre Naz Jamal, along with her team has conducted a raid in blood bank established in a private hospital where they found expiry date drips and blood bags while the blood bank was being run without qualified pathologist, and unscreened blood was being stored there.
The drug, which restricts blood supply to tumours, is licensed as a last resort treatment for bowel cancer but not currently available on the NHS because of doubts about its effectiveness in unscreened patients.
"For someone to go unscreened, that's kinda questionable.
The Swedish and Norwegian ones are screened for noise exposure, while the US is unscreened. The 3 materials demonstrate the grouped percentiles (10th, 50th and 90th percentile) for men and women for hearing thresholds from 0.5 kHz to 8 kHz in the age groups 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55-64 and 65-74 years old.
While more than 15 m patients in the United States undergo colonoscopy, as many as 45% more go unscreened. Approximately 2/3 of those unscreened individuals cite the current standard colonoscopy prep as the reason they avoid screening.