

adj, -rier or -riest
undaunting; not terrifying
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References in periodicals archive ?
Kids, of course, will not know or care how derivative and suspenseless "House" can get, or how unscary it feels.
Some cheered the film at its preview screening while others sniped that Guadagnino had "invented a new genre, an unscary horror film".
After a rushed, entirely unscary opening scene and some rather dry character-setting dialogue, there are some smartly crafted titles that showcase the group's vacation through social media posts alone.
Among the movie's targets are our flicks' action hero cliches and conventions, the usual vengeance motive and motif, local horror movies' unscary and even ludicrous excesses-and overly over melodramas!
Sizzling scenes, funny lines, powerful performances from Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman, dollops of unscary Gothic horror and a PC dash of women's rights.
Wall Street Journal (2013) "The Unscary Sequester." Wall Street Journal (6 February).
When teaching sex education in secondary school I have been disturbed by the tendency to focus on frightening and negative things like diseases; Dawson succeeds in addressing the subject in a cheerful, cheeky, unscary way.
Now we enter the driest period with this unscary ghost story starring Jessica Chastain.
Now we have this singularly unscary ghost story starring flavour of the month Jessica Chastain.
Featuring distinctly unscary ghosts and plenty of humor, these stories are ideal for readers from Grades 2-4.
"The whole idea is to make opera as accessible and unscary as possible," Naishtat said.
Part kid movie, part romantic comedy, part cops-vs.-crooks actioner and part "King Kong"-style man-vs.-nature allegory, "Million Dollar Crocodile" feels like a compendium of several popular genres, most played strictly for laughs, with effective if unscary f/x thrown in.