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Adj.1.unindustrialised - not converted to industrialismunindustrialised - not converted to industrialism  
nonindustrial - not having highly developed manufacturing enterprises; "a nonindustrial society"
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For tourism in many, emerging, unindustrialised and least developed states is the most possible and bearable economic expansion option, and in certain nations, the key cause of foreign exchange remunerations.
The network of institutions served the needs of a rural, unindustrialised economy, of a fledgling state that was unwilling to seek out alternatives to solving social problems, of a Catholic Church anxious to wield its moral authority over the Irish populace, and of families that used institutions to rid themselves of problematic elements for both financial and social reasons.
Over the last 10 years they have set up temporary lives near building sites across the valley, participating in India's construction boom, which, even in this largely agrarian, unindustrialised part of the Himalayas, has sprayed residential complexes, private universities, dams and tunnels across green hills.