

poetic not begged for
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Milton seems to have the same kind of distinction in mind when on the one hand he actively seeks inspiration, demanding that the "heavenly muse" instruct, illumine, raise and support him in his advent'rous song, while on the other hand he acknowledges that at different times the celestial patroness who inspires easy [his] unpremeditated verse visits him nightly "unimplored"--unasked, unbidden (Paradise Lost 1: 17-23, 9: 20-24).
On the composition of the epic at night, see also Paradise Lost 9.21-24, where Milton speaks of his "celestial patroness, who deigns / Her nightly visitation unimplored, / And dictates to me slumbering, or inspires / Easy my unpremeditated verse." Lewalski notes that "Cyriack Skinner, who sometimes served Milton as an amanuensis, corroborates in more prosaic terms the story of his Muse's `nightly visitations,' indicating Milton's habit of composing poetry upon first waking and his urgent need to get his verses set down: `...
celestial patroness, who deigns Her nightly visitation unimplored, And dictates to me slumbering, or inspires Easy my unpremeditated verse: