

(of a desirable quality or status) not challenged or questioned
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
Add to this, the strict severity of his life and manners, an unimpeached honesty, and a most devout attachment to religion.
These were women of her own circle - Londoners, and the Duchess, at any rate, a woman of the very highest social position and unimpeached conventionality.
'Of course,' said Mr Merdle, 'there must be the strictest integrity and uprightness in these transactions; there must be the purest faith between man and man; there must be unimpeached and unimpeachable confidence; or business could not be carried on.'
'When I see that man,' said Mr Kenwigs, with one hand round Mrs Kenwigs's waist: his other hand supporting his pipe (which made him wink and cough very much, for he was no smoker): and his eyes on Morleena, who sat upon her uncle's knee, 'when I see that man as mingling, once again, in the spear which he adorns, and see his affections deweloping themselves in legitimate sitiwations, I feel that his nature is as elewated and expanded, as his standing afore society as a public character is unimpeached, and the woices of my infant children purvided for in life, seem to whisper to me softly, "This is an ewent at which Evins itself looks down!"'
unimpeached testimony of the attorneys who drew the 1999 documents was adduced that they correctly reflected an exercise of her uninfluenced desire as to the disposition of her estate." (12)
This stood unimpeached until the Fall of 1888, when Tim Murnan made the astonishing assertion that the records were all wrong and that Hines completed the triple play alone.
Eaton Stannard Barrett's novel opens with a portrait of the quixotic Cherry Wilkinson, a lively, intelligent young woman who, already motherless, has just lost her governess: a heroine whose situation thus strikingly resembles Emma Woodhouse's but whose values decidedly do not, for she laments, "I am doomed to endure the security of a home, and the dullness of an unimpeached reputation.
And what happens to these efforts once their targets leave office unimpeached? Some never really go away.
proclaim[ed] [its] purpose in discharging this, as in performing all other national obligations, to maintain unimpaired and unimpeached the honor and the faith of the Republic." (130) It was so important to protect the debt at this time that simply proscribing default or repudiation would not go far enough.
But the moral vision of the profession generally, its function across time and place, remains unimpeached because moral vision is the central identity of a profession's function.
Although the "fringes of the West doctrine" may have been abrogated, "its core holding remained unimpeached." Id.
Even so, the particular corruptions lately exposed in certain Church ranks only deepen the mystery of the spiritual reach of that unimpeached leader, John Paul II.