

(ʌnˈdræməˌtaɪzd) or


not dramatized; not adapted to dramatic form
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
undramatized, except for the recourse to the Erinyes.
Carne is narrated by an undramatized or heterodiegetic narrator.
For Frick, then, the narrator is altogether "an absent or submerged presence, a hidden observer who records the narrative action but remains 'undramatized' himself" (419).
awards for infringement of undramatized or nondramatic works in motion
Unlike counterparts in Browning monologues, or the Browningesque "Columbus," the putative listener or mon frere remains mostly undramatized. Like Merlin in "Merlin and the Gleam," Ulysses counsels adherence to glimmerings in his own prophetic eyes.
Many other aspects of The Rhetoric of Fiction have played a significant role in China, such as the classification of different types of point of view, the distinction between dramatized and undramatized narrators, or the discussion of telling versus showing.
That death goes undramatized in this sly biopic, as Coppola traps the audience in the same luxurious bubble as Marie Antoinette, so when it pops, we're as confused and ill-equipped as she was.
Director Robinson's new take on the oft-filmed saga not only slims down the villainess but ushers in the hitherto undramatized role of the New York policeman who collared the pair.