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1. unable to be done
2. able to be reversed or undone
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.undoable - impossible to achieveundoable - impossible to achieve; "an unattainable goal"
impossible - not capable of occurring or being accomplished or dealt with; "an impossible dream"; "an impossible situation"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
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It was the challenge of the part that appealed to McArdle, its "undoable nature" and "the audacity of trying to do Peter Gynt", as well as the chance to work with Hare and Kent again.
The team I worked with did what many thought was undoable - built a billion-dollar tech company in San Antonio, then known for Tex-Mex food, the Alamo, and a major military presence, not tech capabilities."
Modi's Hindu Rashtra aspiration is not only undoable but, in pursuit of the goal, dangerously divisive.
Healthy people, for current and future reference, won't ask you to do the undoable or surrender to their control.
For one senior journalist, Shainwari "doing the undoable".
The international multilateral donors had never set such harsh conditions while financing the Tarbella and Mangla dams, nor the World Bank has imposed any undoable condition against for financing 2160 MW first stage of Dasu hydro power project.
Asif Zardari has been wrong-footed for a long time and has left so many undeniable 'footprints' that covering them would now be an undoable task.
Although Imran Khan was facing scathing criticism on his failure to meet some of the ambitious rather over-ambitious targets he had set for his first 100 days in power and even some of his opponents were grilling him and terming some of his targets undoable but on Nov 29 all would be placed on table by Imran Khan and his team and their future course would show how serious they are about their plans and projects and hopefully this time they would not give unachievable targets and deadlines.
I am not fond of making undoable commitments, but our soldiers should better toe the line," Maj.
Does this all still seem undoable? Think of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon to drive home the point.
Experts agreed that this may yet be undoable due to various reasons, which range from the high value of disputed sums to the complexity of typical construction jobs.
(11.) The idea of reversibility, also known as the concept or principle of reversibility, dictates that all "interventions necessary in connection with repair work such as mending and replacement of components should be 'undoable'" (Petzet 2004, p.