tower of silence

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tower of silence

See dakhma.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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The abandoned Tower of Silence was a very interesting place to see with the highest portals and minarets in Iran.
That temple is no longer there and the Parsis of Lahore bury their dead instead of leaving them on the Tower of Silence.
Marker's funeral ceremony was held at Bath Island, following which his mortal remains are being taken to the Tower of Silence in Mehmoodabad.
KINDLING hope for a large number of Parsi women who marry outside their religion, the Supreme Court has agreed to hear a petition challenging a decision by its religious council banning their entry into Fire Temple or the Tower of Silence to participate in the funeral ceremonies of their parents and relatives.
On a lonely hill a few miles out of Nagar stands the "Tower of Silence," where the Parsees dispose of their dead.
Thereafter (level 3) follows a Zoroastrian "tower of silence" (dachma), an early medieval church, and an Abbasid coin hoard (c.
STEVE ADEY The Tower Of Silence (Grand Harmonium) Growing Up Poor, BBC3, 7pm HHow Britain Worked, More4, 9?
STEVE ADEY: The Tower Of Silence. Feeling optimistic, upbeat, full of the joys of the world? Steve Adey The Tower of Silence This is an incredible achievement from the Edinburgh-based singer and songwriter.
The funeral will be held on Tuesday at the Doongerwadi Tower of Silence. He is survived by daughter Meher Dadabhoy and son Rustam Sethna.
Both are published authors with Sarah having titles A Dark Dividing, Spider Light and Tower of Silence to her name and Maureen publishing a series of detective novels featuring Birmingham-based cop Bev Morriss including Working Girls and Baby Love.