
Also found in: Idioms.


[ˌtəʊˈhedɪd] ADJrubio, rubiacho
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
References in classic literature ?
A few minutes later, one of his patrons, a tow-headed young man who was boarding and rehearsing three performing leopards at Cedarwild, was asking Collins for the loan of an Airedale.
The tow-headed leopard man, who was billed on the boards as Raoul Castlemon and was called Ralph by his intimates, was already in the cage.
Her husband, pale and gaunt, the shadow of death in his weary face and the droop of his body, sat leaning against one of the wagon wheels trying to quiet a wailing, emaciated year-old baby while little tow-headed Nellie, a vigorous child of seven, frolicked undaunted by the August heat.
Little tow-headed Jameson sat on his mom's lap while Carey reclined on one elbow on the step below his daughter.
The culprit was one of those adorable little 3-year-old tow-headed scamps who already wore glasses.
Mark, who was born Maritza Perdomo and Jessica Lynn Cummings who was once a tow-headed boy named Shawn O'Donnell, met in 2011 and are getting hitched next year after they both underwent a sex change operation, the New York Post reported.
This delighted a couple of tow-headed little kids and their redheaded sister, and caused our mother much dismay as she tried to keep us from being crushed beneath the tumbling mineral.
"Ma'am, ma'am, it's coming out," a tow-headed boy exclaims to a PNE staffer as a wobbly, big-eyed chick begins to peck its way out of a light brown shell.
Sights along the route included variegated fields of wheat, from the shining bronze of hard red winter wheat to the tow-headed fields of a lighter strain.
As lender tow-headed woman, Lorian is herself author of several books, including Walking into the River (a novel), Walk on Water (a memoir), A World Turned Over (history and nature), and the upcoming Key West: The Pirate Heart.
"A lot of people describe me as chubby or tow-headed," muses the theatre-trained New Yorker.
"Despair weighs down her voice like Pearl River mud," and her "Two tow-headed children hurl themselves against her/hanging upon her coat like mirrors." These children reflect their mother's plight--"I never knew it could be so hard." Unlike this hapless motherhood, Lorde's description of her son Emmett evokes the solemnity of the Pieta, Mary holding her wounded son, the Christ.