

(ˈtɒtɪ) or


chiefly Scot very small; tiny
[from tot1]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Grandma is holding to the comic supplement with a two-hours' grip; and little Tottie, the baby, is rocking along the best she can with the real estatc transfers.
One coarse-fibred brute, indeed, once went so far as to address to her the frightful words, ''Urry up, there, Tottie! Look slippy.' It was wrong, of course, for Paul to slip and spill an order of scrambled eggs down the brute's coatsleeve, but who can blame him?
But I am cheered by hearing from Tottie Hall Green.
Models Tottie Greer, 24, of Hyndland, Glasgow; Amy McLelland, 22, of Newlands, Glasgow; Hayley Bartlett, 19, of Airdrie; Amanda Hendrick, 18, of Airdrie; Lisa Omand, 18, of East Calder, West Lothian; and Emma Duncan, 23, of Edinburgh (left to right) will battle it out for the coveted title.
Furious listeners heard him slagging off locals, calling women "Tartan Tottie," and suffered his relentless feuding with a rival broadcaster.
Moore started out singing for his supper in a musical bizarrely called Tottie True.
"Until we clear that money we are not allowed by the League to move for any player, so we have to go with what we have got," says Tottie.
Models (left to right) Tottie Greer, 24, of Hyndland, Glasgow; Amy McLelland, 22, of Newlands, Glasgow; Hayley Bartlett, 19, of Airdrie; Amanda Hendrick, 18, of Airdrie; Lisa Omand, 18, of East Calder, West Lothian; and Emma Duncan, 23, of Edinburgh, will battle it out for the title along with Scots-Swede Emily McWilliam, who is flying in to join the beauties on the red carpet.
FBU official for Cheshire Steve Tottie said: ``We would be against CCTV,as in Merseyside.''
Posh tottie Tamara's finally managed to do dressed-down chic (even if it has meant pinching one's butler's uniform)