

v. i.1.To walk in a wavering, unsteady manner; to toddle; to topple.
[imp. & p. p. Tottled (tǒt"t'ld); p. pr. & vb. n. Tottling (tǒt"tlĭng).]
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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Smith could hand debuts to new signings Ross Tottle and Jordan Turnbull but will also utilise the club's newly-formed under-18 squad for the game due to the number of players who are unavailable.
The Village responded with tries from Chris Tottle and Luke Studley as well as eight kicked points from Ross Lucas, which earned them a losing bonus point.
Gifted Organs was formed in 2013 by James Tottle who received a heart transplant 21 years ago, and other founding members Andy Eddy (liver transplant) and Daniel O'Rourke (kidney transplant).
[USPRwire, Tue Nov 06 2018] The word tottle comes from two words namely tube and bottle.
The brewery was only born in 2015 when Honley High School friends, Chris Broadbent, Matthew Crabtree and Paul Tottle started brewing with a small kit in Matthew's garage.
Leighton Bruce gave the visitors the lead just after the half-hour and Ross Tottle equalised ten minutes after the restart.
Gateshead Rutherford and Shankhouse finished 1-1, Leighton Bruce opening for the visitors, Ross Tottle replying.
Chris Tottle scored what proved to be the only try of the match for the Wellmen with James Field also booting three penalties in what was their 10th victory in 13 league matches this season.
Dan Butler saw red for leading with his elbow on Matt Tottle shortly after the half-hour mark and Jorge Grant put the hosts ahead two minutes later.
In the meantime, however, Bob had taken his horn to the noted craftsman William Tottle to get it fixed and stayed around to hear Bill's stories about the big band era.