

among the finest of its kind
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


[ˌtɒpˈklɑːs] adjdi prim'ordine
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
References in periodicals archive ?
HUGHIE MORRISON says Telecaster can return as "a top-class horse" after revealing the Derby also-ran is finished for the season.
Summary: Dubai [UAE], May 17 (ANI): Former West Indies captain Clive Lloyd is of the view that all-rounders are going to lead the forthcoming International Cricket Council Men's World Cup from the front as each and every team is blessed with 'top-class' all-rounders.
But he's taken it up a level around top-class players and a top-class manager."
He's a top-class player, you can't achieve what he's achieved in the game and not be a top-class player.
John Hartson believes seeing off Malmo will help Ronny Deila keep PS10million-rated stopper Virgil van Dijk - and land him a top-class targetman.
YOUNG Teesside sports stars are gearing up to the challenge of national level competition with the help of the top-class facilities offered by their college.
GARETH McAuley believes Saido Berahino has the makings of being a 'top-class' forward for Albion.
MICK Winters expects to find out whether Rebel Fitz is capable of mixing it at the highest level after he takes on two top-class rivals in today's Cheltenham Annual Members Novices' Chase as the home of National Hunt racing opens it's doors for the first time this season.
ROBBIE ELLIOTT believes that he owes his top-class soccer career to the unwavering support of Argentina's World Cup winner Ossie Ardiles.
A further 150 top-class eventers, including members of the British, New Zealand, French, German, Finnish and Portuguese Olympic teams, could now be heading for Northumberland.