top slicing

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top slicing

(Banking & Finance) the act or process of using a specific part of a sum of money for a special purpose, such as assessing a taxable gain
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References in periodicals archive ?
Here's some industry jargon that's often misunderstood: Redaction - removing or withholding confidential material Top slicing - removing part of something, usually budget cash Dead stock - products not sold before being removed from sale Blackout dates - dates when promotions or sales don't apply Pedagogy - the art of teaching Stickiness - measure used to gauge effectiveness of a website in retaining its users Kerning - the space between characters and adjusting that space to improve legibility of text Bullish sentiment - a period of price increases
"West Yorkshire is an area with some of the greatest policing and community safety needs and yet the Government is allocating money unfairly and is 'top slicing' our budget to fund other organisations and policing areas depriving West Yorkshire of at least PS11m per year on average.
The Panel noted the proposals took account of reduced central government grants, top slicing of other grants and the performance of the force generally.
He said: "The additional top slicing of police funding adds insult to injury and causes deep concern.
Reacting to the Home Office demand for an extra PS4 million budget reduction, Mr Jones said it was ''bad news for West Midlands Police.'' "The additional top slicing of police funding adds insult to injury and causes deep concern.
Lyons believes that once the principle of what industryites here call "top slicing" the fee is established, pressure will mount from competitors until more and more money is drained from the Beeb's ever-diminishing purse.
In his report, Communications minister Lord Carter is expected to propose "top slicing" the BBC's budget to help pay for regional news programming on ITV.