ten thousand

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Related to ten thousand: Ten Thousand Fists
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.ten thousand - the cardinal number that is the product of ten and one thousandten thousand - the cardinal number that is the product of ten and one thousand
large integer - an integer equal to or greater than ten
Adj.1.ten thousand - denoting a quantity consisting of 10,000 items or units
cardinal - being or denoting a numerical quantity but not order; "cardinal numbers"
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References in classic literature ?
"No," said her father; "Wickham's a fool if he takes her with a farthing less than ten thousand pounds.
From species to genus, as: 'Verily ten thousand noble deeds hath Odysseus wrought'; for ten thousand is a species of large number, and is here used for a large number generally.
"I betray your ladyship!" quoth the landlord; "no (and then he swore several very hearty oaths); I would sooner be cut into ten thousand pieces.
The Florentines, being entirely without arms, sent ten thousand Frenchmen to take Pisa, whereby they ran more danger than at any other time of their troubles.
Ten thousand scimitars flash in the sunlight, and thrice ten thousand dancing-girls strew flowers.
London, with its six hundred and forty square miles of houses, has one-quarter of these, and is gaining at the rate of ten thousand a year.
1610, a fact which proved that they were guilders of Van Baerle the father and of Van Baerle the grandfather; but we will inform the reader at once that these three or four hundred thousand guilders were only the pocket money, or sort of purse, for Cornelius van Baerle, the hero of this story, as his landed property in the province yielded him an income of about ten thousand guilders a year.
I have resolved to give him ten thousand roubles; that is about the sum which I calculate that Pavlicheff must have spent on me."
The appointment yielded an income of from seven to ten thousand a year, and Oblonsky could fill it without giving up his government position.
Suppose the government sells you Pari-Sulay at a pound an acre; clearing will cost you at least four pounds more; that is, five pounds for four hundred acres, or, say, ten thousand dollars.
The flying or floating island is exactly circular, its diameter 7837 yards, or about four miles and a half, and consequently contains ten thousand acres.
In every crowd composed of a hundred thousand spectators, there are ten thousand bandits or cut-purses -- only they dare not take the initiative."