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(Elements & Compounds) any salt or ester of telluric acid
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The Te(VI) solution was prepared from sodium tellurate ([Na.sub.2]Te[O.sub.4] x 2[H.sub.2]O) (Alfa Aesar, USA) in 10% (v/v) hydrochloric acid.
Banerjee et al [24] uses copper(III) periodate and copper(III) tellurate as oxidants for oxidative decarboxylation of [alpha]-hydroxyacids.
The reagent is easily prepared by heating Cu(II) salt with potassium persulphate as an oxidizing agent in presence of a bulky ligand like tellurate or iodate in alkaline medium of potassium hydroxide [3,8,26,27].
(1995) Frankhawthorneite, a unique HCP framework structure of a cupric tellurate. Canadian Mineralogist 33, 649-653.
Scalenohedral calcite crystals were observed in vugs on top of penroseite and with clausthalite and chalcopyrite associated with overgrowths of tellurates (?) (C.
Selenates and Tellurates; Selenites and Tellurites: Classes 33-34, 20 pages, 67 descriptions, 3.35 per page
(Behind the Iron Curtain this trip was represented as a "lecture tour," and Martin's specimens, including benitoite and newly descfibed tellurites and tellurates, were "samples" for the "lectures." Other "samples" included cigarettes, nylon stockings, etc.).