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(Animals) any of various slim marine bivalve molluscs of the genus Tellina (or Macoma) that live in intertidal sand, esp the smooth oval delicately tinted T. tenuis
[from New Latin tellina, from Greek tellinē a shellfish]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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You can't get quit o' the ship too soon, an' I don't mind tellin' you why.
"Jes like Mas'r George,--he's allers so ferce for tellin' everything hisself.
"'Tis the hand of God, I'm tellin' you," is the way Louis sees it.
"Don't you dare answer me back that imperdent way, Rebecca, tellin' me I'm mean; your father was a vain, foolish, shiftless man, an' you might as well hear it from me as anybody else; he spent your mother's money and left her with seven children to provide for."
Well, the recorder at Forty Mile was tellin' me they staked that not a month ago--The Harper & Ladue Town Site.
I'd just up an' tell 'm, as I'm tellin' you now, I'd kill 'm first.
You've got a cinch-nobody to think of but your own precious self--an' a lot of young hoodlums makin' eyes at you an' tellin' you how beautiful your eyes are.
"Niver mind, niver mind," continued the other, "but their influences may be operatin' upon ye; it's shure as I'm tellin' ye, it's them that has the reference to the immejit surroundin's that has the most of power.
Erin hom't in on anither hoose wi 'Fan We Gaed To Keep Hoose at Hillies' based on a poem o her great grunny tellin the trials an tribulations fin she an auntie Flo keepit hoose fin their fowks gaed awa on holiday.
has are peace which told " "Nobody is against LGBT rights but there are concerns about tellin four and five-yearolds about these issues Coun Mohammed Aikhlaq
She said: "For those tellin me you're suddenly doing 'trivial' work.
Large spatial variability in life time egg production in an intertidal Baltic tellin (Macoma balthica) populations.