surface-to-air missile installation

surface-to-air missile installation

A surface-to-air missile site with the surface-to-air missile system hardware installed.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
References in periodicals archive ?
'We attacked a surface-to-air missile installation in self defence,' said the spokesman.
Over the northern no-fly zone on Tuesday, an American F-16 warplane fired a missile at an Iraqi early-warning radar that Capt Doubleday said was linked to at least one surface-to-air missile installation near the city of Mosul.
In addition, three commander stations provide control over manned aircraft, computer-generated forces and ground-based systems such as surface-to-air missile installations.
warplanes patrolling the "no-fly" zone over southern Iraq bombed two surface-to-air missile installations yesterday after Iraqi MiGs entered off-limits airspace.
AMERICAN warplanes brushed aside Iraqi MiGs and anti-aircraft fire to bomb two surface-to-air missile installations yesterday.
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