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n, pl -ties
1. (Human Geography) a very large city, with a population in the millions
2. (Human Geography) a vast urban area, often incorporating several smaller cities
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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(MBDC), a property company, is doing a backdoor listing by acquiring a listed dormant firm, Supercity Realty Development Corp.
A group holding valuable landbank in the Bay Area - an emerging gaming and entertainment district - is backdoor-listing on the Philippine Stock Exchange using Supercity Realty Development Corp.
Other topics tackled in the summit include the future of Urban Housing, Growth and Opportunities in Asian Emerging Markets, Climate Change and Resiliency: Protecting Against Nature's Risks and How China's Supercity Clusters can provide a driving force for economic growth.
In fact, China is currently creating 19 "supercity clusters," by strengthening the links among cities.
But the biggest "why" is this: We want people to come here so we can show them the fantastic, modern progressive Euro supercity we've become in the last 20-odd years.
Ten years ago, UK-based architect Will Alsop published a book entitled Supercity , where he envisaged a series of nearby cities eventually clumping together to form one huge conurbation.
The authorities hope that the merger of greater Wellington and Wairarapa regions will make a supercity and create New Zealand's second largest metropolitan area in terms of population, reported ('-anger-at-plan-for-supercity) Radio Nz.
My name for a new supercity in the West Midlands, embracing Birmingham, Coventry, the Black Country and Solihull.
Davis's radical solution was to turn Leeds and Manchester into a giant supercity centred around the Pennine town of Hebden Bridge, though from the air it would look more like a giant doughnut with Saddleworth Moor in the middle of it.
GEORGE Osborne is charged with being "totally oblivious" to the region as plans to create a 'supercity' environment in the North West and Yorkshire that will rival London's economic dominance emerge.
One could be forgiven for wondering whether Len Brown is fundamentally honest, or dishonest, and therefore whether he can be trusted at the helm of the supercity and ratepayer funds.