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(Sociology) lacking a complex or definite social structure
subˈsocially adv
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References in periodicals archive ?
We made observations on subsocial Helvibis thorelli Keyserling 1884 colonies (Figs.
All such species have subsocial origins, but current use of the term subsocial is overly broad and we propose a more restricted terminology for clarity.
Although some solitary species feed their spiderlings by regurgitation, this maternal behavior is considered the first step in the subsocial pathway to social life in spiders (Foelix 1996).
Keywords: Evolution, Gonyleptoidea, Santinezia, subsocial behavior
Kin recognition and cannibalism in a subsocial spider.
Regurgitation among penultimate juveniles in the subsocial spider Anelosimus cf.
A Florida caterpillar and other arthropods inhabiting the webs of a subsocial spider (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae; Araneida: Theridiidae).
Comparison of life tables between the solitary eumenid wasp Anterhynchium flavomarginatum and the subsocial eumenid wasp Orancistrocerus drewseni to evaluate the adaptive significance of maternal care.