subsistence allowance

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subsistence allowance

1. (Industrial Relations & HR Terms) an advance paid to an employee before his or her pay begins
2. (Industrial Relations & HR Terms) a payment to an employee to reimburse expenses, as while on assignments
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

subsistence allowance

nindennità f inv di trasferta
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
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A witness under the program established under Republic Act 6981 may receive security protection and escort services, immunity from criminal prosecution, secured housing facility, livelihood assistance, subsistence allowance and free medical treatment.
According to sources, instead of taking action against these culprits and charging them under the allegations of fraud, the IESCO management has only suspended few of its officers on charges of 'misconduct' and has allowed subsistence allowance for them.
Minister Molefhi said prison officers assigned duties outside their stations were paid subsistence allowance whereas those assigned duties outside their duty station for a prolonged period were paid commuted subsistence allowance in terms of General Order 111.
He said it makes no sense for the legislators to purport to have allocated themselves a night allowance in the name of 'domestic subsistence allowance' while on official Parliamentary Business.
The accused pilot will face five restrictions during the suspension period where he will not be allowed to enter Air India Limited premises without written permission; cannot leave the station (Delhi) without prior permission of the Regional Director; not allowed to enter in any employment or vocation; will have to surrender Pilot In Command/ID card; and will not be eligible for any wages except the subsistence allowance.
He said PBM was providing basic amenities including shelter, food, education and healthcare facilities to marooned children who are working in brick-kiln, carpet, mining, tannery, construction, glass bangle, domestic work, begging and agriculture sectors.The children are being provided free education, clothing, footwear and stipend as well as subsistence allowance to their parents.
The bill also provides that PDEA officers be entitled to subsistence allowance of three meals in a day, while administrative and technical personnel be entitled to subsistence allowance of one meal.
"We issued air tickets to about 657, supported repatriation of 71 cases of mortal remains and we have given subsistence allowance to almost 650 people, which include about 300 housemaids."
'The state government is deeply concerned over the fate of Felda settlers who have yet to receive their subsistence allowance due to cash flow problems arising from weaknesses of the previous administration.
Funds have been allocated for subsistence allowance, vocational educational stipends, hospitals, Ramadan and Eid grant, general educational stipends, madaris, health care, visually impaired persons, self-employment scheme, social rehabilitation and patients of Leprosy.
However, they will be entitled the subsistence allowance under FR-53.
The notification said the suspended officers will be entitled to subsistence allowance as permissible under rules.