stun grenade

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Related to stun grenade: Flashbang

stun grenade

a nonlethal grenade which is used to disturb the senses of enemies by its loud noise and its bright light
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

stun grenade

nBlendgranate f
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According to reports the man had snatched up a stun grenade fired into the crowd and was attempting to throw it back when it went off.
In another Israeli violation s Palestinian child was injured on Friday when he was hit by the shrapnel of a stun grenade fired by Israeli soldiers at Palestinian protesters in the village of Ni'iln, west of Ramallah in the occupied West Bank.
A female journalist who was covering the event was also hit by a stun grenade in the back and was treated at the location.
A PRIMARY school near Tamworth was evacuated after a young pupil arrived in class with a stun grenade shell.
A stun grenade was used in the alleged attack on Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka's home, police spokesman Charles Owino has said.
ARMED police used a stun grenade during an incident in which a man was found with serious head injuries.
THE Israeli military has disciplined three soldiers after a video emerged that seemed to show them throwing a stun grenade at Palestinian men smoking a water pipe in the northern West Bank.
Israel says investigating video of soldiers throwing stun grenade at Palestinians sitting at a cafe outside Ramallah
Kut / NINA / Unidentified gunmen attacked, by stun grenade, the home of the secretary of Wasit provincial Council, Abdul Ilah Nirman al-Shammari, but did not result casualties.
Not any people got injured during the explosion, which was caused by a stun grenade.
The Manila Police District (MPD) seized a motorcycle that was abandoned by its riders at a checkpoint, and found a used stun grenade and two bullets in its compartment.
POLICE in Lille used rubber bullets and a stun grenade against Everton fans "in self-defence" after arresting a Toffees supporter for selling drugs, the French embassy has said.