stump speech

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Noun1.stump speech - political oratory
oratory - addressing an audience formally (usually a long and rhetorical address and often pompous); "he loved the sound of his own oratory"
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"This past year I've been called a radical and a racist," Vardaman says in a stump speech at the Neshoba County Fair.
The 64-year-old Abe, who is also LDP President, made his first stump speech in the northeastern city of Fukushima.
This scope and scale is worth remembering the next time Labour figures attack the City as a mere playground for "the one per cent" - a smear that makes it into every stump speech offered up by the party's leadership.
Bennett focused his stump speech on the ongoing budget talks, criticizing Gov.
However, Winfrey told People magazine it wasn't meant to be a stump speech.
This book traces the origins, diffusion, remaking, and acceptance of the stump speech in 19th-century politics in the US, UK, and Australia.
I leaped on to my soapbox to deliver my stump speech, telling the crowd: "It's great to be here in Bury."
My heart fell as I read the headline: "Kansas crowd applauds Burke's stump speech" (NCR, Feb.
In a campaign-style stump speech, he told the party: "The past is no place to linger" and "the best is yet to come." The partisan crowd responded with a standing ovation.
Giving a stump speech in High Wycombe, Mr Johnson insisted the 'In' side was "rattled" with just 10 days to go to the EU referendum.
At one point, the protests became so frequent that Trump asked them to stop so he could hit key points in his stump speech. "Can the protesters stop for a couple of seconds so we can talk?" Trump asked.