student nurse

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Noun1.student nurse - a nurse in training who is undergoing a trial periodstudent nurse - a nurse in training who is undergoing a trial period
nurse - one skilled in caring for young children or the sick (usually under the supervision of a physician)
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References in periodicals archive ?
A large proportion of these experiences are spent in the practice setting where the nurse clinician has remained the constant 'supervisor' of student nurse learning.
The administration of medication to a hospitalized patient, albeit by a student nurse or a veteran certified nurse practictioner, involves medical judgment, thus, making the case a medical malpractice case.
'Most people work all weekend to get enough money to live on and they are exhausted.' The number of student nurses doing a three-year nursing course has risen from 6100 25 years ago to 9200 but the student nurse bursary has only slightly improved in that time.
Models for Student Nurse Internships in Camp Settings
The student nurse determined that he was embarrassed because of his poor performance in class.
TOO POOR FOR MEALS: Alice Dawnay knows first-hand what it's like to be a student nurse
Enhances the student nurse's knowledge of the art of caring for the elderly, while providing the students with a source of income.
The Nevada Nursing Student Association (NVNSA) is the first state student nurses' association chapter for Nevada.
STUDENT nurses protesting outside Parliament yesterday joined calls for PS1billion of NHS funding to tackle the staffing crisis.
My name is Kamiko Ritchey, and I am the President of the Tennessee Student Nurses Association.
A GROUP of student nurses have been shortlisted for prestigious awards by a leading publication in their chosen field.
Senator Howie Morales, sponsor of Student Nurses Day Memorial in the NM Senate, with some of the students and faculty during Faculty and Student Day at the New Mexico State Capitol on February 3

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