straight time

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straight′ time`

1. a standardized work period of a set number of hours.
2. the rate of pay for such a period.
[1855–60, Amer.]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
"Defendant knew that the FLSA required it to pay its employees overtime for hours worked in excess of 40 in a week, but permitted plaintiffs to bank overtime hours to be repaid at a straight time rate without conducting any investigation, let alone an "adequate inquiry," into whether the banking practice complied with the (law)," Crabb wrote.
TIGER WOODS won the deciding match for a third straight time and the United States lifted the Presidents Cup for a fifth straight time as they beat the International team 181/2 to 151/2 in Dublin, Ohio.
Summary: Emirates received international honours this month, winning Best in Middle East at the 2013 Airline Passenger Experience, or Apex, Passenger Choice Awards for the fourth straight time in Los Angeles and the Best Up in the Air Experience award at the Future Travel Experience, or FTE, Awards in Las Vegas.
It will be the fourth straight time for Taiyo Kogyo to take part in FIFA World Cup stadium construction since the 2002 tournament hosted by Japan and South Korea.
The soaring food inflation comes even as the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) hiked key interest rates for the 13th straight time on Tuesday last.
Sources say that since retirement Anjum Mughal tenure of employment has been extended for the fifth time which is very strange while he had to retired on December 05 however Dr Fehmida Mirza has extended the tenure of the employment of Mughal for the fifth straight time for a period of next six months in this regard.
According to initial results, Imtiaz Khan with 429 votes was elected President of the Democratic Panel for the second straight time, Amir Latif with 431 votes elected Vice President, Khanzada 459 votes, Abid Hussain 359 votes Joint Secretary, Sheikh Mehmood 411 votes, Hina Gull 414, Asif 367, Shams 365, Jamali 363, Ahmed Malik 328, Kamran 319 and Zaib Azkar with 318 votes were successful candidates.
workweek: $500 of straight time and $50 of overtime.
The under-pressure boss saw Ireland lose to France for the seventh straight time, but the game will be remembered for Ireland's epic second half comeback.
According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare's survey, the average life span for men in Nagano Prefecture was 79.84 years, maintaining its top place among the nation's 47 prefectures since 1990 for the fourth straight time.
Consideration of a plan to convert the Farley Post Office into Moynihan Station was postponed for the second straight time last Wednesday by a powerful state agency whose approval is necessary for portions of the $812 million project's financing.