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(ˈstuːlˌbɔːl) or

stool ball

an English country game resembling cricket and played by young womena ball used in stoolball
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Nothing (Mr Norman would back him up) was more refreshing or character building than a good game of football or cricket and, for young ladies, netball, hockey or stoolball. John Norman nodded vigorously.
HERE'S evidence that the little heard of sport stoolball - cricket for girls - enjoyed its Huddersfield heyday in the 1940s and 1950s.
Our picS ture shows the Stile Common Girls County School stoolball team of 1952 receiving the Huddersfield League Rose Bowl after beating Berry Brow County Girls team.
Examiner records show the BeS rry Brow stoolball players won the trophy in 1949 - as did Bradley Voluntary School in 1950.
These games include stoolball, which dates back to the 11th century, where one player would throw a ball at a target while an opposing player defended the target.
Camilla - born on July 17 1947, the daughter of an Army major who won two Military Crosses in the Second World War - grew up a keen sportswoman, playing hockey and a quaint old Sussex game called stoolball.
In 1601, the archdeacon of Lincoln's court excommunicated the churchwardens of Keelby "for sufferinge vnlawfull games to be vsed in the church yard on the sabboth daies." Similar presentments concerning use of churchyards are recorded at Bonby (for football), Great Hale (for baiting a bull with dogs), Hougham (for unspecified playing and for a cockfight), Nettleton (for unspecified unlawful games), Stamford (for stoolball and other sports), and Wainfleet St.
I saw people playing stoolball in the meadow: they appeared sunk far down on a flat board; & the downs raised high up, & mountainous round them.
Be honest: have you ever heard of the game of stoolball?
From the photograph we have reproduced on this page it is clear that stoolball enjoyed its Huddersfield heyday in the 1940s and 1950s.
Research shows Berry Brow School girls had a stoolball team in 1949 - they won the Huddersfield schools' trophy, as did Bradley Voluntary School in 1950.
I've found some pictures of stoolball teams from 1949 and 1950 and we'll publish them, come what may, next week.