stool ball

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stool ball

1. (Team Sports, other than specified) a game resembling cricket, still played by girls and women in Sussex, England
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The history of rounders is linked to the growth of other sports, such as stool ball, baseball and softball.
There were plenty of early games for the Mills committee to consider - stool ball, cat and dog, one old cat, round ball, cricket and others.
Children will also have the opportunity to have a go at traditional Tudor games such as skittles, bowls, a game called stool ball and batlledore.
Games included rounders, days of the week, back door football or `doors', stool ball, sevens and bouncie ball; unfortunately knockey-nine-door used to upset victims.
The controlling element is a stainless stool ball with a choice of seal options, available in hastelloy, titanium, inconel, or bronze.
Stool ball was undoubtedly the precursor to cricket and was played by milkmaids.
Stool ball, creag, and hand-in-and-hand-out seem to have been played by different classes: stool ball by female manual laborers; creag by the youthful aristocracy; hand-in-and-hand-out by potentially combatant males.