statements of case

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statements of case

pl n
(Law) law the formal written statements presented alternately by the plaintiff and defendant in a lawsuit setting out the respective matters relied upon. Former name: pleadings
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References in periodicals archive ?
"I also sent a letter to the Coordinator of the Panel of Experts and requested that the Panel prepare and submit to the Committee for its consideration statements of case for the possible listing of individuals and entities that the Panel deems to meet the listing criteria delineated in paragraph 3 (c) of resolution 1591 (2005)," said the Polish diplomat.
Left with no other option, the MoD had to take its queries and Statements of Case ( SOCs) back.
''The government of Japan decided, despite its current financial difficulties, to make this contribution to support the judicial process of the Khmer Rouge tribunal on an important juncture when the opening statements of case 002, the most important case, commenced on Nov.